Exercise doesn't have to be hard. Not always. If you were to train 10/10 intensity every day of the week, how do you think your body would feel at the end? Tired? Sore? Over it? What if you did that for weeks on end? This is a pattern I see over and over again in the gym, especially with new clients.
They come in with a lot of motivation, which is great, but they can over-do it sometimes. We need to remember that our training is only as good as our recovery. When you exercise, you are stimulating your body to change, but it will only make that adaptation with adequately recovery.
Nutrition, sleep and general stress levels are all key to this equation. If your body doesn't recover, you actually get worse.
Think again about that feeling you'd get at the end of that 10/10 week.
Your performance and physique would actually regress. Most of us have busy lives and priorities other than the gym. And that's okay. For most people, training consistently at a 7 or 8/10 intensity provides enough stimulus to change, but not too much that it's difficult to recover from. In fact, you can get great results from workouts with an intensity even lower than that - if it's done consistently. So ask yourself: How much can I do, recover from, and thrive on? This will differ from person to person, but it will also differ based on where you are in your life. How busy you are, if you have an injury, if other things in your life generally are making it difficult to prioritise your training.
This is when you would take the intensity down. Instead of saying, I will exercise again when... You should say, How can I exercise when...? You can always ramp that intensity back up again later. Adaptability trumps intensity. I hope you've found this valuable!
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Until next time, Chantelle x