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Chantelle's Fave Brekky

My fiancé, Josh, and I love our morning oats!

It fuels us for a good day and keeps us full for a long time.

Here is our favourite recipe!


Per serve

- 1/3 cup oats

- 1/3 cup unsweetened almond milk

- 3tbs water

- 1/2 ripe banana, finely sliced

- Small crack of pink salt

- Small squeeze of mānuka honey

- 1 pinch of powdered cinnamon

- 1/2 pinch of powdered nutmeg

- 1 date, chopped


  1. Add oats and protein powder to a small pot. Mix thoroughly

  2. Add milk and water and cook on medium-low, stirring constantly

  3. Add the banana, salt, honey, cinnamon and nutmeg

  4. Stir until you reach your desired consistency. Takes about 10 mins

  5. Serve with the date and peanut butter on top


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Until next time!

Chantelle x

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